Monday, August 30, 2010

Calories In Smithfields Coleslaw

Fortunately, in the future

addition to his alter ego Marsimoto featuret Marteria on his latest work, a handful of high-profile guests such as Peter Fox, Casper, Miss Platnum and Jan Delay. This makes the whole somewhat likely more interesting for the charts than his previous albums, but the die-hard Marteria / Marsi fans will be listening on this disc rather relaxed flow of the deep end and his voice Marteria's absurd and poetic rhymes. Highlights of the album are, therefore, for me, not the features, but the hard beats that are tricky, however, become scarce, and lines like: "But nothing against gays because their father is Sergei" on Kate Moscow. A real shock moment is the refrain of "How do you know that?". Jan Delay's voice is almost as high as that of Marsimoto and still more annoying.
Nevertheless a very awesome album.

Part 1 Part 2