Someone who claims otherwise is lying. I have you created with value and you bought with a price - with the blood of my son!
"In my eyes you are precious ..."
(Isaiah 43.4 )
"For you are my treasure, my property."
( second Moses 19.5)
(Isaiah 43.4 )
"For you are my treasure, my property."
( second Moses 19.5)
How many times have people told you "YOU ARE ..."?
How often do you attach something negative or a curse?
How long have you felt so bad and must be tested are fighting against unseen?
our tongue a matter of life and death. So says the Bible. A "YOU ARE ..." and have attached a few negative words like a curse.
contrast, is a "YOU ARE ..." our Father in Heaven a boon as it can not be sharper. God loves you. He wants that you build with him a "self awareness", which will remain forever. Nothing and no one in this world take it away from you again.
He want you to know who you are!
This script will help you to recognize that God is alive, loves you and wants to work in your life: YOU ARE
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