Is the Devil / Satan one person or a force / personification of evil? When you're valuable
(Photo: Terry.-U.-Weller /
Although he many people did believe that he does not exist, Satan is definitely a real, personal being, the source of all infidelity and from any kind of moral and intellectual evils in the world. He has different names in the Bible, including "Satan" (meaning "adversary" means, such as in
Job Chapter 1, verse 6
And it happened one day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Jehovah, and Satan also came among them.
Romans chapter 16, verse 20
the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
"devil", which means "slanderer," such as in
Matthew chapter 4, verse 1
Then the spirit of Jesus in the desert led up, to be tempted by the devil.
"Lucifer" which means "light bringer", such as in
Isaiah chapter 14, verse 12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O star, son of the morning! To the earth like it, weaken the nations!
"snake", as in
2 Corinthians chapter 11, verse 3
But I fear that some, like the serpent Eve by its cunning deceived them [that is] also corrupt your minds and turned away from the simplicity will against the Christ.
Revelation chapter 12, verse 9
And there was cast the great dragon, that ancient serpent, who is called Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world cast, he was on the ground, and his angels were cast out with him.
For Christians, Satan exists as a real person, and this is proved by the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ recognized him as such. If He was referring to Satan, He called him by name, such as in
Luke chapter 10, verse 18
He (Jesus) said unto them. "I watched Satan fall like lightning from heaven"
Matthew chapter 4, verse 10
As Jesus speaks to him, "Get thee hence, Satan! For it is written.. 'You shall love the Lord your God, worship and serve Him alone "
Jesus has also informed about the character traits of Satan Jesus has him described as follows:
* As murderer from the beginning
* He does not respect the truth, there is no truth in him
* When he speaks, he lies. He speaks in his own language because he is a liar, even the father of lies
Here you can read the full article: Satan a person or a force * click *
? Note from me:
used to be the "devil" for me that what one does not speak so much. He was a bit mystic, what you should be scared because it causes such bad things and is so dangerous for us Chrsiten. So I am grown up in fear and in the communities in which I was he was almost never present, it was avoided to talk about it or it was preached on with anxiety. It was like to use this verse to show how dangerous it is:
1 Peter 5.8
"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. "
If you read it that way, people may well be afraid.
In the Peter verse is but ... He goes around HOW a roaring lion. It is not that he is a lion, but he is HOW a roaring lion. He does so just as if and how many Christians live in fear and can be overcome by this fear. I felt the same way.
It is very important to know who we are (Who am I really ) if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we are God's children. Just as Jesus is his child, so are we. And just as Jesus was here in this world, so are we. Equipped with the Holy Spirit leads us and gives power to the devil / evil and oppose us not to let things get him to us his following.
Yes, Satan is the master of the world and look where we are is evil present and often it makes us sad and angry how bad it is yet here. But as long as we live here, we should look to Jesus who has endowed us with everything we need to live here. We are the light of day.
Matthew 5:14
"You are the light of day."
We bring God's light to the people. We can hope to pass on how we can have and the evil again. How?
The text Peter (1 Peter 5, 8 +9) does not stop here:
"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. "
but he goes Nocht further and there is the key for us:
" To resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brethren in the world "
. We will resist in the faith, do we need to know that we have received the mandate from Jesus to do this as it:
Luke 10:19
"Look, I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and power over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall you harm. "
I have been merged by these and other texts eyes. God took away the fear and teaches me more and more with this mandate we have received clearly deal.
God bless you!
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