Ready or not, Jesus is coming
(Photo: Gert-Altmann /
by JE Becker
Remember at the hiding game from your childhood? As one who was just tuned, in the end counting up his hundred exclaimed: "Ready or not, I catch up. I'm coming, "
Jesus issued a similar warning when he said:
! Wakes So now, because you do not know what hour your Lord comes Therefore be ye also ready: for the Son of man comes to a! hour when you do not mean it. " (Matthew 24:42,44).
In Luke's Gospel Jesus says:
"Take heed to yourselves but to your hearts be weighed down by noise and drunkenness and cares of life, and so that day come upon you unawares! For as a snare shall it come on all that on the whole earth . Live So wake up any time and ask that you will be worthy to escape all these things that should happen and to stand before the Son of man! " (Luke 21:34-36).
An article in the October 2006 - issue of Christianity Today brought the idea of 114 evangelical leaders about what would be the focus of the church for the next 50 years. Not one of them even mentioned the possibility that Jesus could come back, and for that we should be ready.
Is this a trend that goes through all the communities through? Are we to assume that we at least 50 years have the time, before He comes again? If we do this? Or are we only repeat what the Jews did at His first coming when He wept over Jerusalem because they did not recognize the time of their visitation (Luke 19:41-44) . He told the people that they recognize the signs of the weather and accurately predict could, and he told them the following:
"You hypocrites, the appearance of earth and heaven can judge her, how does it happen that you this time not judged? " (Luke 12:56). are
Understandably we are all outraged by over-zealous" observer ", which sets the dates and many have made to do crazy things while they waited for the return of the Lord. However, this can only happen when God's people is so frighteningly ignorant about the predictions and the apparent characters, so they blindly follow those who prophesy to their own understanding.
However, the Lord has commanded us to be vigilant. Sadly, many members of today's municipalities consider this bid as less important than the proclamation of the Gospel or the dictates of the Sermon on the Mount. They are all important, but each addresses a different aspect of the Christian faith. to direct the eye on the imminent coming of Jesus, holding the Church away from deviating from the predetermined course of God.
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