Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ideas For Sayings On Wedding Sparklers

appearances of Mary as "Our Lady of Fatima, true messages from God?

(Photo: Andreas-Klaukien /

In Catholic tradition, there are many reports of incidents in which Mary, angels and / or saints appeared and messages should have been handed down by God. It is very likely that at least in some cases these people have really seen something supernatural. While much that has been seen in some places, the work of charlatans is, other phenomena seem to be authentic. But if we also say that an apparition is authentic, that does not mean that is the message from God or that there has been a real look of Mary, an angel or a saint. The Scripture says that Satan and his demons disguise themselves as angels of light.

second Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 14-15

"And no wonder, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light so it is no great thing if his ministers also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. But whose end shall be according to their works.

Satanic deception is as a possible explanation for the phenomena.
The only way to determine if a phenomenon a "lying wonders" or a true message of God, is to compare the figure with the Scriptures. If the teachings of which adhere to these phenomena, as opposed to the Word of God are, then these phenomena themselves satanic nature. An insight into the teachings of Fatima, with its "sun miracles" are a good example.

A website containing detailed descriptions of the "miracle of the sun" shows is / wiki / Miracle of the Sun . It does seem that on 13 October 1917 something spectacular happened. That which shepherds children three months was predicted to appear with the phenomena which they had seen over the months before, to be coupled, the first of the angel and then the "Our Lady of Fatima".

If you compare the messages of Fatima with the teachings of the Bible is clear that combines the message of Fatima so many biblical truth with some unbiblical practices and teachings. The following paragraphs are quotes directly from a Web page that "Our Lady of Fatima" is dedicated www.fatima . Specific words are underlined to highlight it as unbiblical (not in the Bible taught), or contradictory as anti-Bible (the Bible). Here is a summary of the entire Quoted message of Our Lady of Fatima "

The message generally

" The overall message of Fatima is not complicated, your request is in prayer, compensation, repent, and sacrifice, and. the problem of sin. Before Our Lady of the three shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, has been released, she visited the angel of peace. The Angel who prepared the children to welcome the Blessed Virgin, and his instructions are an important aspect of message, which are often overlooked. "

" The Angel the children demonstrated the fervent, observant and calm way in which we should all pray and reverence we should show God in prayer. He also explained to them the importance of prayer and sacrificial offering as compensation for the crimes that were committed against God .

He said to them, 'power of everything you can, a sacrifice and offer it to God as compensation for the sins with which he is offended, and intercession for the conversion of sinners. " On his third and final appearance of the children gave the angel them the Holy Communion and showed them the right way, how God should meet in the Eucharist: All three children knelt to receive Communion, and Lucia has been given the Holy Eucharist on the tongue, and the angel said to Francisco and Jacinta, the blood of the chalice "

" Our Lady. said in each of their symptoms, how important it is to pray the rosary and asked the children to pray the rosary every day for peace. Another important part of the message of Fatima is the worship of the unknown licked heart of Our Lady which terribly outraged and offended by the sins of mankind, and we are forced loving, she pointed to comfort repentance. the children her heart, which was surrounded by thorns (which are the sins against Her Immaculate Heart represented ) can

Read the whole article in here: "which meant that victims could help her, to comfort her. Our Lady Fatima "* click *

Note from me:

It is so important to stay in the Word and read it yourself to what God has to say. People can say a lot and the devil and his cronies are disguised as "angels of light" in order to bring the people of Jesus as the only savior.

But only in Jesus is salvation and the way to God. Sounds very radical, like I found earlier. But if you are concerned with the Bible, it is so logical and great age of God through Jesus has his rescue plan. For whom?

for all of us because he loves us, every one of us on this earth and he wants to spend eternity with us.

We should all examine what's in this world teachings and religions. If they do not agree with God's word, we should give it up.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Only through him is the way to God has become clear for us. We have to sacrifice anything and atone, so that we can be with him. This is what Jesus all undertaken. We need only to know him, pass him our lives and recognize him as our savior. Really simple, but if you do nothing about it and the father knows it is very difficult. The way I see it in my environment.

But I can say it's worth it!


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